Decorating halloween cupcakes this year? Here are some tips and tricks to piping halloween cupcakes and make them the hit of the party!
When I first started blogging, my kids were young pups ranging in ages from 6 to 10. Halloween was a HUGE crazy time over here, with block parties, crazy costumes and creepy treats. I have written several posts on spookifying your halloween food, including fun halloween cupcakes.
Today, my kids are old and boring, ages 10-14. I get a lot eye rolling, attitude and general smart allec-ness that makes me feel like a dumb, old mom. Luckily, they still call me mommy, they still like to cuddle and they still eat my cooking.
I haven’t made crazy halloween cupcakes in years. I figured it was too corny for my big kids. So when my baby girl turned 10 last week, I decided to forgo her usual request for all things pink or purple and send in something ghoulish to celebrate with her class.
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I received those cute candy eyes from Wilton when I attended Camp Blogaway, as well as a pack of their fabulous new color dyes (no more gels for me!). I had a fun time decorating halloween cupcakes. And the kids were super excited to see these not-so-traditional birthday cupcakes.
Some cupcakes require more time and more frosting than others. I am a minimalist when it comes to decorating cakes and cupcakes. These are pretty simple to assemble. If you are using multiple colors, mix them up ahead of time. If you are using an assortment of decorating tips, have them, the bags and the couplers on hand and ready for action.
Hairy Monster Cupcakes
Okay, these were my personal favorite. I love this particular tip (#233). The tip itself is flat with a bunch of itty bitty holes. It’s perfect for hair, grass, tiny worms or adding furry texture.
To fill up the cupcake with fur, you work slowly from the outside and work to the center. You squeeze out the frosting and pull it up. Mix short hair with longer hair. Add a little curve or twist. Your hand will cramp after a few cupcakes, so give it a break and massage every 10 minutes.
I didn’t do a mouth for my monsters. I liked them without a mouth, but feel free to add one to yours using black frosting.
Pumpkin Cupcakes
My favorite tip (#233) returned, but this time to play the role of grass. First, pipe out the grass. You don’t need to frost any grass in the center where your pumpkin will sit. You can find those pumpkin candies and use them if you prefer.
But, these funny pumpkins I piped out remind me of the characters from Veggie Tales. Aren’t they cute? I used tip #12 to make the pumpkins, swirling out to make circles. I added the green tip stem with tip #5.
Ghost Cupcakes
These were the simplest and easiest to decorate. You’ve probably seen meringue ghosts sitting on top of cupcakes – too much work, thank you! The great thing about ghosts is that you don’t have to add any food coloring to the mix. Super easy! I used the big tip #1A for these little ghosties. Make them as fat or as skinny as you want.
Mummy Cupcakes
And finally, mummies. Another simple cupcake to decorate with no food coloring. You should practice the zig zagging to get the hang of it before you decorate your first cupcake. It can be a little tricky. But, still a very easy design. Use tip #104 and lay it on it’s side as you drag it back and forth for a flat look.
Well, there you go. My latest addition to the Halloween frenzy. Although I am not keen on the sugar overload during this time of year, I still enjoy Halloween. Everyone, young and old, can dress up and be a kid, relax and have some silly fun.
Happy Halloween!
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Disclosure: I was not paid by Wilton to write this post. I did receive a few of the products mentioned above. The opinions I expressed are mine. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t blog about it! This post does contain affiliate links.
I love the eyeballs! What recipe did you use for icing?
Holly, for these particular cupcakes, I used Wilton’s remade frosting. For homemade frosting, I I like a simple buttercream frosting, like Martha Stewart’s: Sometimes I add cream cheese to the mix. Sometimes to fluff it up, I fold in homemade whipped cream. I don’t think I make the same frosting recipe twice!
How CUTE!!
Thank you! They were certainly fun to make.